Shooting Schedule
Date of Filming: 26/01/19
Preparations (Food, Props and Costumes): 2:30pm
Scene 1: 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Scene 2: 5:40pm - 6:10pm
Scene 3: 6:20pm - 7:50pm
Scene 4: 8:00pm - 8:20pm
Scene 5: 8:30pm - 9:00pm
Finish: 9:20pm
Filming is being done quite late to make most use of early darkness around the beginning of the year as majority of the film is quite low-key.
It is also crucial for it to be dark for our antagonist character to look the best possible throughout the film.
The schedule doesn't have any breaks as preparations are being done before hand, such as eating and preparing any props or costumes and it will not be optimal to be filming past 10:00pm as it will be unsuitable for the home owner and the actors, therefore everything is being squeezed into the time available. The actors also do not mind filming this way.
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