Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Before Filming - Classification and NRS Social Grade

Classification and NRS Social Grade


Due to the classification guidelines, our film will to be classified as suitable for an audience of 15 or over.

Our opening sequence contains use of harsh language and connotations of death, but no visual image of somebody being killed, containing gore, etc. We are simply classifying this film as a 15 due to the use of harsh language which most definitely should not be permitted around anybody younger than the age of 15.

The connotations of death are quite obvious that somebody has been killed, but will only be obvious through editing, and not the images provided on screen. However, if this film were to go on even longer, than the following death scenes within the film would most likely fit the classification of a 15 for this film.

NRS Social Grades

The NRS Social Grades are a system of demographic classification used in the United Kingdom and the social grades are distinguished based on occupation.

Grade A - Upper Middle Class
Higher managerial, administrative or professional.

Grade B - Middle Class
Intermediate Managerial, administrative or professional.

Grade C1 - Lower Middle Class
Supervisory or clerical and junior managerial, administrative or professional

Grade C2 - Skilled Working Class
Skilled Manual Workers

Grade D - Working Class
Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers

Grade E - Non-Working
State pensioners, casual and lowest grade workers, unemployed with state benefits only.

Naturally this film is going to be viewed by audiences based on there movie genre preference. This variety of audience can be spread amongst various social grades of any kind. Therefore, this film won't be targeting a specific Social Grade audience, but all audiences, grades A to E.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NRS_social_grade (Visited 14/01/19)

Before Filming - Permission Forms

Permission/Consent Forms

General Permission/Consent Form

Signed Permission/Consent Forms

Before Filming - Actor Scouting


Jack Vera - Joe Higgle (Teenager)

In our film 'Smile', our actor Jack is playing the role of our character Joe Higgle who is a teenager living his everyday life by playing video games.

Jensen Adeyanju - 'Smile' (Killer)

In our film 'Smile, our actor Jensen is playing the role of the killer.

Before Filming - Props, Make-up, Costumes

Props, Make-up and Costumes

No make-up will be used in the making of the film.

There however will be a variety of costumes and props.


The opening first scene is based around playing games so we will need a console controller to play games and a monitor to see the games being played in the camera shot. The variety of items in the shot above are all going to be in use such as the microphone, headset, etc.

The yogurt and spoon is for one of the later scenes when our character Joe Higgle is downstairs getting a snack.

The LED mask is for our antagonist, 'Smile', in the film.


Jack - Joe Higgle (Teenager):

Jack is going to be at home relaxing by playing some games, so for the film he'll be wearing very casual clothes such as; shorts, a t-shirt and a hoodie.

Jensen - Smile (Killer)

Jensen is going to spending majority of his time in the dark wearing the LED mask so it stands out more. To make sure only the mask stands out, he'll be wearing a full black outfit of any kind, most likely a black hoodie, black trousers and black trainers. We won't need to see his body that much throughout the film, hence the costume can be of any kind, but most preferably comfortable.

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Before Filming - Location


These are the variety of areas within the location that we shall be using to produce the film, but obviously it'll be done much later when it is darker.

Before Filming - Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule

Date of Filming: 26/01/19

Preparations (Food, Props and Costumes): 2:30pm

Scene 1: 4:30pm - 5:30pm

Scene 2: 5:40pm - 6:10pm

Scene 3: 6:20pm - 7:50pm

Scene 4: 8:00pm - 8:20pm

Scene 5: 8:30pm - 9:00pm

Finish: 9:20pm

Filming is being done quite late to make most use of early darkness around the beginning of the year as majority of the film is quite low-key.

It is also crucial for it to be dark for our antagonist character to look the best possible throughout the film.

The schedule doesn't have any breaks as preparations are being done before hand, such as eating and preparing any props or costumes and it will not be optimal to be filming past 10:00pm as it will be unsuitable for the home owner and the actors, therefore everything is being squeezed into the time available. The actors also do not mind filming this way. 

Before Filming - Scripts (Drafts and Finished)





Evaluation YouTube Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-GckFqHTZs One Drive Link:  https://thealdenhamfoundation-my.sharep...